Self Examination

We love to put the finger on other we love to taunt on people but ever us going to think of our self.

What are we? Are we better from them? From which angle?

Most of us just point other that he/she is doing the wrong thing. He/she should done that but in the mean time we are doing the same thing on us we ignore that.

Saying that you are wrong or you haven’t done that properly but implement on the same thing is the difficult part we never correct our self first.

Self examination in very important thing in life because with the help of this we can correct our self.

A human is always with faults and the corrections of those faults are called self examination.

Before pointing on other just once a think that is that same mistake you have done.

In our society we saw lots of things but we only point the bad things which are present on other.

I know I am here with to much faults and I need the improvement day by day.

We only know how to taunt on others; how to hurt other felling we think we know everything we are perfect. But that thinking is wrong we do mistake that for the correction of these mistakes we need self examination.

Now always people say we don’t have much time for that we have to take a timeout from our daily routine life for our mistake.

Let me give you the example of our mistakes in our daily life in our daily life if we saw someone doing same good thing in front of us we think that he/she is just showing off but we don’t think that we can do the same thing or we can so the better from them.

We should know how to learn from other how to take and accept good thing from other.

In the end I only want to say that self examination is must for everyone.

(Sahar Ali)
