Life is an Examination

Life is a game of chess. you never know what is the next move from the other side .you only have to straight your path to focus  your mind on your move it is better for you to make your move simple and better for the next move because you never get the second chance.

Some times its look like we have many choices to make we can ant of the given choices but the truth is we only have two choices in our life only two way to make over path for life time, the path of truth and the path of lies. and its up to u what path u chose for your life the path of truth is may be difficult for you but let me assure you that this path will lead you to success but if u chose the path of lie it will drag you to hell.

A man has to choose a way for himself.
Now a day’s most of us choose the wrong path and we know that in over mind, over subconscious always remind us for that, from in side the gilt is always building up and we always try to ignore that. We think that once we get all of that luxuries of life we change back to the life of truth….but the truth that never happened because these things are become very important for us till then, and then death comes to us and take our souls from our bodies.
 Life is chance for us to choose the right thing on the right way because when the time ends we have nothing left except thing we done as good.  
It’s like today we are in an examination hall. We already know the questions which have been ask, but we didn’t know the answer because of our foolishness.

So I must say that it is good for us spend some time for the preparation of exam. We don’t know when the time end the way of learning is so simple we have to learn by our mistakes or from others mistakes. And it’s called experience of life.
Isn’t it better for us to learn from other mistakes???
But mostly we only laugh on them we they are doing that mistake and when the time comes we also do the same thing, and say aloud “Why me? Why this is happening to me??”

For crossing all those huddles we must follow the path of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)


